The ability to accept plastic card payments is necessary for the vast majority of businesses. When you operate a high risk business, the necessity is even higher, even though it is hard to find a reputable and knowledgeable high risk merchant account. Sometimes when you find your ideal account, your choice of payment processor is not available. While this happens to many merchants, it should not be the only way to obtain a merchant account and payment gateway.
EMB’s payment gateway not only helps high risk merchants in many industries, but allows you to choose your processor. Options include 1st Pay,, eProcessing Network, NMI, and EMB’s own gateway, plus others. While the majority of payment gateways work for you, there are difference. Formstack has a great chart online defining the differences in many of these gateways, helping you learn more about what you need to look for. While some look for the lowest processing fees, others look for the countries that the gateway accepts. There are many things for merchants to look for, including the ability to accept and process mobile payments. For example. Chargeify does not accept mobile payments. This may be an important factor in your search for a payment gateway.
While no two businesses are the same, no two payment gateways are the same. EMB’s offering of many gateways helps the merchant figure out what is best or his or her company. When in doubt, consult your high risk merchant account processor. In the case of EMB, their industry specialists can help you identify what you need to look for in a payment gateway. A nutraceutical merchant may look for reoccurring billing. An adult dating website may look or mobile payment acceptance and reoccurring billing. Every industry is in need of different things, so the ability to choose your own payment gateway is a huge plus when looking for a high risk merchant account.
Whether you are in need of a high risk merchant account, or are looking to switch payment gateways, you should look into EMB’s offerings. The changeover could save you cash, and perhaps even gain customers.