The travel industry is back and better than ever. Technology and agent creativity has made it a profitable business investment once again. By harnessing global connections, providing great customer service, and adapting to new technology, travel agencies are gaining more clients than ever. But with more business comes more opportunities for fraudulent behavior to occur. So as travel agencies upgrade their services, they should also upgrade their security.
The cybersecurity community has railed against the lack of security in the United States payment processing systems for years. Since the adoption of new EMV standards, keeping consumer identities safe has become a little easier. Currently, merchants and retailers are spending billions on upgrading POS systems to PIN and signature, even though critics point out that merchants should us the chip and PIN system instead. Still this marks a significant upgrade to consumer security.
In the wake of several major security breaches at large hotels, all businesses in the travel industry should investigate and execute the EMV payment processes that work best for them and their clients. provides upgraded payment processing that will give your customers a variety of payment options to allow processing of new EMV chipped cards.
Whether you’re a tour guide company that accepts large-group payments and need to process high transaction volumes, or a travel agency that books expensive vacations for clients, EMB is the payment processing solution for you. We have everything your travel merchant account needs to survive.
A network of merchant service providers with generous rates and a No Fee application process, makes EMB one of the most cost effective and efficient online payment processors in the industry. In fact, your business can have a functional merchant account in as little as 3 days.
The travel industry has managed to adapt to the needs of consumers and demands of technology. As travel agencies grow, they must also expand their security efforts to ensure that new customer information is safe and sound. will give your business a major boost with our payment processing services. Start your application today and get professional, 24/7 protection and support from EMB.