It can be devastating to apply to various credit card processors only to be turned down because your company is “high risk”. After being declined a few times, you may think that you have no options as far as credit card processing. However, there are companies that specialize in high-risk credit card processing accounts.
A merchant can be classified as high risk for many reasons, ranging from the owners’ credit to the type of business it is. Businesses that are commonly classified as high risk include gambling websites, dating websites, adult entertainment websites, and auction websites. While the high-risk category may deter some, these are very lucrative industries to be involved in. Therefore, there are credit card processors that specialize in high-risk accounts. One such is, or EMB. At EMB, we’re at the top of our industry, offering technology and services that others do not. Our staff has years of experience in dealing with high merchant accounts, so rest assured that your account is in great hands.
EMB applications are free, and there are no set-up fees for high-risk merchants. You can also be approved in as little as 24 -72 hours, which is unheard of for any type of account processor. All high-risk credit card account holders also have access to the latest terminals and technology. This is something that other companies do not offer to high-risk merchants. EMB also offers reasonable processing fees, as well as chargeback insurance, which is a must if you have a high-risk business. While chargeback insurance will not eliminate chargebacks, it can help save your company up to 30% in chargeback fees.
It can be discouraging to be turned away by every merchant account processor you contact, however, rest assured that EMB will be able to take on your high-risk credit card processing account. EMB prides itself on helping those who are turned away from other processors, and they will surely help you and your company with your processing needs.