Money makes the world go ‘round. This is true for merchants and consumers. While hackings happen daily, security system officials cite a lack of money as the reason they cannot catch up quickly enough to the hackings, and eliminate their sources. Security system heads want more funding for better training and more staff, to monitor accounts. While this sounds like a great idea, the issue may not be settled for a long time. What are you to do if you are an electronic cigarette merchant? Well, the answer is less painful that you may think.
The best, and often only, thing that you need to do is to seek out the top-rated electronic merchant account provider in the United States and Canada. EMB, or, has been top-rated in the electronic cigarette industry for the past few years. We were also one of the first to embrace the industry, when many thought it was a “fly by night” fad. Even if you have an electronic cigarette merchant account, you still need to look at what we at EMB have to offer. Perhaps it is better than what you currently have, and you may want to change. Changing can be effortless and quick with EMB, and your customers and employees will thank you for it.
With EMB, you are not only getting a Security Systems merchant account, but also the freedom to operate from many types of terminals. This is rare for high risk businesses, because many companies offer one bulky terminal. We also offer you the chance to obtain chargeback insurance. Chargeback insurance can help you keep chargeback fees low after a fraudulent charge. While it cannot eliminate the entire chargeback fee, it can lower costs significantly. You also need to worry about processing fees. Our percentages are industry-standard, and they will not raise sky-high just because you have a fraudulent charge. It is just part of the industry, and we at EMB know that every business has its ups and downs.