Online marketing tips and techniques seem to be everywhere these days, from YouTube videos, to pay-per-click Facebook ads. While some techniques work – and work well – not all are as fabulous as advertised. When operating an internet marketing business, there are simple things that yourself, and your client, can do in order to make sure that your marketing plan is the best it could possibly be.
The first, and usually the simplest, thing that you can do is to look at internet traffic. When is the most traffic? Is it a certain day, week, or month, or perhaps a certain time of day? Google Analytics has introduced a great metrics that can show if your website visitors are new or returning. Also, be sure to check out the “Acquisitions” section of Google Analytics, as it can tell you the demographics of how is visiting your website, as well as where and how they found it. Was it social media or a Google search? Google’s “Acquisitions” feature can inform you. This is immensely important to know what form of current advertising is working, and which is not. Also, Google you website. Does it pop up first? Does it even show on the first page? Google runs primarily on key words; words that Google uses to presume which category your website falls into. So, be sure to use your primary description to describe your offerings and purpose with industry-used words.
Another way to make sure that you and your clients’ internet marketing needs are taken care of is to make sure that you have the services of an internet marketing merchant account provider. A merchant provider, such as, who specializes in internet marketing accounts, cannot only help you help your clients by providing a service, but they can also help you by keeping your information safe from hackers. Another thing that many do not think about is that internet-marketing merchants are commonly affected by fraudulent charges, and we at will not dump your account because of it, as is that case with other merchant account providers.
To learn more, contact us today!