Consumers with credit cards will soon have a safe method to alleviate credit card fraud. Final, a new credit card, will minimize the risk of data breaches by setting spending caps and producing virtual card numbers for each specific merchant.
The new take on credit card security can make spending easier and safer as consumers shift to more digital transactions.
Currently being tested by a limited number of consumers, Final will operate on Visa Inc. or MasterCard Inc. Focusing on integration rather than creating a payment method outside of existing networks, Final will not need to explicit merchant adoption or require any hardware upgrades.
Following the latest credit card tech trend, Final will also have a chip for Europay-MasterCard-Visa (EMV) transactions as well as a magnetic stripe. The cardholders will also be able to use a companion app to manage the card online.
In addition, the Boulder, Colorado-based Final is focusing on the consumer experience of their product. Ben Apel, co-founder of Final, states that, “For a Final user, the payment experience for in-person, card-present transactions is no different than what they are currently doing to pay at a retailer”. The significant difference is their online payments and the ability to generate unique numbers for each transaction.
Final card users will be provided unique card numbers for specific merchants, hence, if a particular merchant is breached, only that card number will have to be replaced and no other information will be compromised. The security will bring a new level of protection as more people are choosing digital transactions in this day in age. Smarter and safer methods for paper-less transactions are continuously evolving to minimize apprehension and to maximize spending habits.
While Final card is still in the testing stage, traditional methods to process credit cards are still safe for merchants and consumers. At you can begin your high risk credit card processing with reassurance that all transactions can be monitored with the online management tool. Don’t let identity theft scare you from accepting credit cards for your business. has already helped thousands of merchants set up a safe and easy processing system.
Final card is focusing on a large facet of the identity theft issue in the credit card industry. Going straight to the entry point of the culprits, this new method of credit card safety is a faster way of closing card numbers if the merchant is compromised, without having to replace the entire card. Expect to see the Final card in the coming years as it becomes available to the public.