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Merchant Accounts For Jet Charters

At, we provide jet charter electronic payment processing. We are a provider for high risk credit card processing to help jet charter businesses get set up easily and quickly. Because of large ticket charges and safety risks, airplane charters are placed in a high risk category by traditional merchant service providers. Unfortunately because of the high risk statistics, jet charter companies have more difficulty obtaining merchant accounts. understands the jet charter business model and understands the safety and chargeback risks. As long as you keep your chargeback rate under 3%, we are willing to work with you to manage your account and process payments.

In as little as 48 hours, we can approve your jet charter company for a merchant account. Our variety of secure payment options, work with almost any shopping cart on the market. Our application processing is quick and efficient, so you will be able to hear an answer quickly. Our merchant account staff is experienced in helping jet charter companies set up electronic payment processing. Advantages to our jet charter merchant account program include:

>>Competitive Rates

>>Secure Payment Gateway Included

>>No Visa/MC Registration Required

>>No Application Fees