With the ‘invention’ of the laptop and the Internet everyone is an expert in everything. You are truly a marketing professional. You have to fight for every dollar of business going up against many of the wannabes who try and cannibalize every potential client by offering strictly cut rate services. In order to compete, you have to knock your pricing down. Sometimes you wonder if the MBA was worth it. You open your business and know that to remain with the movers and shakers you have to accept credit and debit cards. You must have a high risk internet marketing merchant account.
Because you have had to manage every penny coming in and going out, you know the most cost-efficient methods of gaining impressions for your clients without going on a spending spree. Being cognizant of budgeting and getting the most for your money is a trait that many of your competitors do not have. After all, you used them to market yourself.
You are college educated, born and raised in the United States, English is your mother tongue plus you speak Spanish fluently. The first thing you did was build a good email list. It cost a few dollars, but it was worth it. You sent out an email blast from your own PC which cost you nothing. You pointed out the advantages of going with a professional Internet marketing service and backed up the advantages with empirical data on how you improved sales for your current clients.
That was just the first step. Anytime you helped a client, whether it was pro bono or paid, you sent out a press release via all the free press release sites. You began marketing your name and your company’s name. This did not cost a thing.
Next you were diligent about publishing content. You have your own marketing blog. You send guest blogs with bylines into major online marketing publications. Slowly, your name is inching up on the search engines.
You have taken all this time and energy to market yourself, you want to make the same smart decisions when it comes to selecting the right Internet marketing merchant account processor. You want one that is an expert on high risk accounts. You do not want a wannabe; you want a company that can prove its acumen with hard facts. You do not want to pay an application fee and you want some of the best rates in the high risk industry.