Timeshares are a great way to make a side profit and enjoy your downtime. However, with the economy in the shape, it is in, many want to sell their vacant timeshares quickly. While it seems like an easy enough task, finding a real estate broker to take on the task of selling your timeshare can be tough. You are better suited at selling it yourself, though there may be a few obstacles along the way.
First off, you must alert your current tenants to your upcoming sale. The majority will not care, however, it is always best to alert them, in case something arises and they want to change their arrangements with you and are disappointed to find out that the commonly vacant timeslot is now taken. Also, make sure that your sale is going to be okayed by the condo board or HOA if your timeshare is involved with one. Lastly, if you want to go it alone, you need to find a timeshare merchant account. A timeshare merchant account will allow you to accept payment via a plastic card, i.e. debit or credit card. While it is entirely possible to be paid with a check, many choose to do their real estate transactions with plastic card payments, due to the paper trail, and the fact that payments are automatically taken out.
It can be hard to locate a timeshare merchant account; however, while hard, it is possible. You need to look for a merchant account provider with experience in dealing with timeshare and real estate transactions. We at EMB know that selling your timeshare can be hard, and we will help you lessen that hardship by giving you a secure and reliable method of payment acceptance. We are operated in the United States, and our reps are US-based, so there are no time issues that will arise when you are in need of help.
For more information on a timeshare merchant account, contact us today!