Many vendors with high-risk companies forgo the opportunity to get a merchant service account, because of fear of rejection. They instead choose an avenue such as PayPal, due to low fees and questions. However, PayPal is notorious for flagging, suspending, and even closing accounts that have a large volume of activity. It’s time that you look back into merchant account providers, as there are options for your high-volume, high-risk business.
The high-risk term attached to businesses is a turn-off to many merchant account providers, as this label means that these companies are at a higher risk of having fraudulent activity. Because of this, many vendors think the only option they have left as far as credit card transactions are through PayPal. PayPal seems trustworthy, and it has been around for a while, so it is well known. However, PayPal is notorious for flagging, suspending, or even closing accounts without notice. This happens when a receiver or vendor has what PayPal considered a “suspiciously large” number of transactions at any given time. This cannot only damage your web store, but it can also cost you money, as at times PayPal does not refund the money is has flagged.
The best thing a high-risk merchant can do is to avoid PayPal as a transaction source and use a high-risk merchant account provider, such as With you will have the freedom to accept credit card payments without the fear of having your account flagged or closed due to excessive transactions. specializes in high-risk merchant accounts, so they know the risks involved with a high-risk account. However, they also believe that just because an industry is considered high risk, the merchant should not suffer the consequences. will never “hold” your money as PayPal would, and provides you with the most up-to-date security, technology, and terminals known to the market. These are rarities in the high-risk merchant account industry.
High-risk merchants flock to PayPal due to their few questions and easy and cheap transaction service. However, their love for PayPal quickly ends when PayPal decides to flag or close their accounts due to a large volume of transactions. To avoid this hassle, high-risk merchants should forgo PayPal and choose a reliable high-risk merchant account provider, such as
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