E-cig, or electronic cigarette, merchants know the industry is big business. While sales are up, merchants need to watch out for fake products. While most merchants are careful to vet their suppliers, not everyone is careful. Also, not all suppliers check out who their product came from, which can lead to even bigger issues down the road, if there is a recall. This can lead to disaster, and possibly lawsuits. Below, you will learn a few tips to make sure that your electronic cigarette business is protected from potential fake products.
First, make sure your products are manufactured in the United States. While some foreign products are perfectly safe and legitimate, many are not. Production regulations in other countries are different from our own, and at times, electronic cigarettes and their vapors and produced in plants that produce other chemical substances that can easily cause havoc when something is mixed up.
Also, make sure to check with OSHA and state boards to make sure that the plant and distributor in question do not have faulty record, or any recalls. Of course, one recall does not make a distributor or plant inept, but it could easily happen again, if they have not changed their ways. Just be sure to thoroughly research a company before making a purchase.
You need to make sure that the actual product is legal. There has been rambling of some strengths of formulations of vapors being banned or limited. Non-nicotine flavored vapors have long been targeted, as law makers believe that these could influence people into graduating from non-nicotine vapors into nicotine vapors, or even regular tobacco cigarettes. While there have been no studies done to back this up, it is still something that you need to watch out for, as purchasing a large quantity of a product that you cannot sell, and cannot return, can quickly prove hazardous to your business.
Another key to making sure that your business stays away from fake materials is to seek the help of your electronic cigarette merchant account provider. Electronic cigarette merchant account provider, like EMB, can help fill you in with the latest uproar in the industry, as well as recommended outstanding companies for you to purchase from.