Making credit cards payments for eBay stores is becoming more and more popular. No matter, you, as a seller, use your own merchant account credit card or take credit cards through a payment service, you must pay a fee. There are a few things to take into account before starting a store on eBay so to ensure better profits in the future. These include:
- Choosing a User Name – Don’t choose a name that people will find offensive. It is important to have a good user name, however, it shouldn’t postpone opening an account while you’re trying to find a perfect one.
- Your Personal/Business Account – When it comes setting up a personal or a business account, you can start with a personal account. First, focus on establishing a business entity and getting ready to accept money. If your business is a success, consider upgrading to a business account. You can do this without losing your transaction history.
- Setting Up a PayPal Account – You should set up a PayPal account if you want to get paid. This is the simplest option to try, however, there are a couple other payment processing options to consider if you don’t like using PayPal. You can use your personal PayPal account or open another PayPal account for your business. You cannot have both a personal and a business account. For each of these accounts, you should submit a unique bank account, email address, and credit card associated with it.
PayPal is a highly popular payment system among users. This is partially thanks to the fact that PayPal is so much connected with eBay. However, there exist other online payment system alternatives to PayPal as well, such as Amazon Payments, Google Wallet, Payoneer, Skrill, and Stripe.
Especially if you’re a high risk business, consider turning to a reputable high risk payment service provider like PayPal offers lots of advantages, however, it has several disadvantages concerning high risk merchant services.
EMB, the #1 high risk processor in the US that has an A+ rating with the BBB, will provide expert advice concerning credit card processing for eBay store. Consider opening a merchant account with EMB.
Take time to consider all the options available for your online business and choose the best and most secure method of making online payments.