You may have run into a little financial trouble in your past because you have a bad credit merchant account and large banks as well as conservative credit card processors turned you away and declined your application for credit card processing. No one, absolutely no one, wishes bad things to happen to any merchant or bank. But the latest breach at JP Morgan Chase proves that bad things can happen to good people at all levels. If you had been one of the merchants who had their credit card processing with the bank, your customers, as well as your colleagues, would question the security of dealing with your company.
If you have a bad credit merchant account, you already have black marks against you. If your clients have fraudulent charges – even though the charges have nothing to do with you or your company – the chargebacks can cost you dearly. If a fraudster gets hold of any customer’s private information, they will look to you for answers.
What many people do not understand is that giant banks and retailers are the prime targets for hackers. It takes just as much time and energy to hack into a large company as it does a smaller one. Why waste the initiative collecting 1,000 account names and numbers when for the same amount of time and risk you can collect 64 million? Smaller institutions often recognize hacking much sooner than large companies. In some of these latest scares, the progress was not caught for months.
You have fought hard to bring your credit rating up and to stay in business during uncertain times. You may have even been on the published black list of Visa and MasterCard merchants because of high fraudulent charges or chargebacks. There is a high risk processor who looks at the whole picture when approving you for a bad credit merchant account. You are more than a credit score. What are the goals you have set for your comeback? What is the viability of your business? There is a processor that offers specialized merchant accounts for those with bad credit that help get your business revenue stream flowing again.
You do not have to go overseas to find someone who will accept your bad credit merchant account. This high risk specialist in the USA offers no application fee and no setup fees. You must keep your chargebacks under the 3% threshold. Specialists can suggest ways and programs help you. There are multiple secure payment gateways that are CPI compliant. And you do not have to have your own Visa and MasterCard license.