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3 Tips to Keep Your Company Data Safe

Keeping yourself protected from increasingly common cyber-attacks is now one of the most important areas of business management. It’s a fact that with cybercrime consistently on the rise, the potential damage that can occur due to a data breach can end up damaging your company beyond repair. Luckily, this needn’t be the case, and with a few simple and cost-effective strategies, you may be able to reduce the chances of a data breach and restrict any damage caused, should the worst happen. These tips will not cause undue stress or cost and can be easily integrated into your daily management duties as and when applicable. It’s ultimately your responsibility to your company, your staff, customers and suppliers that you are making the most of your data security.

Two-Factor Authentication

Although the concept of two-factor authentication has been around a while, not enough businesses are making use of the easy tool. The reasons for using two-factor authentication are many, but the key benefit is that it disrupts the ease with which potential hackers can gain access to your data, even if they have managed to break through one of your defenses. Using two-factor authentication does not slow down access for those that are permitted, but will stop hackers totally if they are unable to access all of the tools required. Setting up your system to allow the process is simple, cost-effective, and can be used for everything from your banking login procedures to your social media platforms.

Manage your cloud platform

As more business start to recognize the benefits of using cloud-based platforms for easy access to their stored data, or even as a cost-cutting tool, it is important that you have your cloud accounts protected as much as possible. Cloud platforms can store large amounts of data, and if you’re making use of tools such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), then you will need to optimize your security accordingly. Using the AWS Security Best Practices checklist provided by Skyhigh is a good starting point when it comes to securing your cloud platforms and keeping your business as safe as possible.

Password security

The majority of data attacks are caused by staff error or weak password security. Both of these issues can be easily addressed, however, and staff training that makes a particular point of addressing the need for a strong password can be extremely beneficial. Many people and businesses are reducing their use of basic passwords, and opting instead for passphrases, which can be more easily remembered and of any length, making it harder for hackers to gain entry to your systems using brute force alone. If you struggle to remember all of the different passwords or phrases that you use for everything, then consider making use of a password management system that will store your passwords safely and securely.

It can occasionally feel as if it’s sometimes better to stay offline forever, but due to the massive benefits that the internet offers for businesses, it would be self-defeating to unplug out of fear. Using the resources available and keeping up to date on the latest methods and means of cybercriminals is the best way to keep your business online and conducting your business management safe in the knowledge that you are doing everything right.