When you start your non-profit organization, you have a lot of decisions to work out. One of those is to set up your non-profit credit card processing accounts. Make certain that the merchant servicer understands that you don’t make money for profit. The fees and the account will be slightly different than the others. They understand that you are helping out and making your mark on the world, and they get that you will be leaving this earth better than you found it.
You already have so many other things to worry about; the merchant account services have you covered, no matter which one you choose.
As low as
Some services are as low as 2.2% processing fees and they have many options on the accounts to choose from. All the work you already get to do, this is the easiest portion that you will have. Most merchant account servicers have a discounted rate for you and your non-profit. They don’t make you pay for setup, statements, withdrawals, or even cancellations. They help you make the most out of your fundraising and help those that need help the most. No matter what you do.
For your convenience, they have a ‘donate’ button that you can put right onto your website. Most of them have little work to get them over to your site. No more than copying and pasting the information to the right spot. A lot of sites have the option already built into their programming, so the work becomes even less.
On-site donating
With today’s smartphones, you can process a credit/debit card right on site. You don’t even have to have an office. All of it is electronic, and the person donating will receive an email stating that they donated and how much and on what day. On-the-spot donations have a slightly higher fee of 2.7%, but the ease of the transaction makes it all worthwhile.
Merchant accounts have a tracking application and can do monthly statements as well as downloadable logs with instant transaction searches. You will know who donated what, when they were generous and where you put the money. In the right account—of course.
Being part of the network
As part of the network of merchant accounts, you will also be protected against any credit card fraud, which could decimate a non-profit organization. It can only benefit you to be part of the system with the merchant account services. You have a secure gateway to have all your transactions processed through and your security for your organization is phenomenal.
Be Safe
When you set up your organization, be safe with all that you do. Make certain that whomever you choose to be your merchant servicer accepts payments; that they are safe to be with as well. Check on their reputation and their reliability. If something negative is out in cyberspace, it will be waiting when you type it in the search engine.
Be safe, do your due diligence for your organization and raise the money you need safely and securely.