As we wander through our day we never really have thoughts that transfer over concern until our cards have been breached and our information has been taken. Councils that we don’t think of either; are on the lookout twenty-four hours a day, for security issues that would make your hair stand on end.
If you are in the market for a merchant account, you really should know something about this security issue. Your high-risk merchant account could be in trouble if not for the security that is provided to you by the merchant account servicer.
The servicer
Your merchant account provider has several things that they provide to you in an attempt to prevent security fraud and theft.
• An encrypted Virtual Terminal that in turn has an encrypted Gateway for you to process your cards.
• Fraud protection from people using cards that aren’t their own, keeping your costs down and theft at bay.
• And upgraded versions of the global standard 3.0.
Three years ago, the worldwide standard of processing payments changed. The PCI Security Standards Council published version 2.0 to the dismay of thieves and hackers. It standardized how payments and networks should and would be secured. Now 3.0 has hit the market and it wants security to be a 24-hour-a-day issue as well as 365 days a year. Even if the security is outsourced to a third party, it wants to be integrated into the problems of the software industry to stop thieves, hackers, and amateurs in their tracks.
As with anything
No matter what it is that you have purchased, there will always be a newer version for you to learn and assimilate. We live in a world of change and prosperity when it comes to technology. It has its good days and it has days that drive us batty.
The best thing you can do is to learn the new technology, be prepared for problems with anything, and protect yourself from thieves, fraud, and those that want to take your information and run with it.
The new 3.0 will help to prevent all of the above. Without going too geek-speak, this version will do just that. You were protected before and this version will help make the protection a little stronger and a little deeper than it was before. The hardest portion of it is to drill it into the users that it is important to have this all the time. Not just to install it and forget it. This is like a good garden. In order to continue growing, it has to be nurtured and watered.